
The mission of the Kansas Alliance for the Arts in Education is to ensure that the arts are an integral part of quality pre K-12 education to promote students’ personal development and academic performance.


1. Advocate for policy that ensures support for pre K – 12 Arts Education

  • Identify and prioritize key arts education issues in the state of Kansas
  • Base policy recommendations on research and assessment related to the benefits of the arts and student achievement
  • Advocate for the development and sustainability of policy that positions the arts as a core academic subject.
  • Provide leadership in various contexts to increase public awareness in arts education, creative capital and workforce development

2. Professional Development

  • Provide professional development opportunities statewide for educators and teaching artists through workshops, symposiums, and an annual conference
  • Work directly with district curriculum and fine arts coordinators to develop meaningful integration strategies for effective teacher training
  • Identify, develop, and disseminate resources to stakeholders via social media

3. Build Capacity of the Alliance

  • Cultivate funding sources
  • Promote and grow membership through collaborations and partnerships across the state to create a powerful arts education network
  • Recognize and celebrate achievement


Our Logo

The KSAAE logo is an adaptation of the Fibonacci sequence found in nature – in this case the seeds of the Kansas state flower. At once natural, mathematical, musical, scientific, celestial, and poetic, this spiral pattern demonstrates the Golden Mean and reflects the integral relationship of art and education. Is it in our sunflowers, our shells, and our stars, and it has inspired artists, geometers, architects, composers, physicists, and poets throughout time.